I used to have a close family member who was in the UTK (Unit Tindakan Khas or Special Actions Unit) that was set up during Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s time as PM4. This family member was, in fact, in the team that raided Anwar Ibrahim’s house and arrested him the night of 20th September 1998.
What he told me was very interesting. The order was actually to shoot to kill if Anwar offered any resistance. Arrest was not number one on the list of priorities.
He was not on duty that night but when he heard about the operation he volunteered to join the team. He knew that if he was not there they would most likely shoot to kill, using the excuse they were just protecting themselves from an unruly crowd that was threatening their lives (in fact, there was a crowd and it was unruly and the whole thing almost turned to bloodshed).
In 2018 and 2019, Azmin Ali, Zuraida, Daim and Mahathir were involved in a plot to assassinate Anwar but the former two panic at the last minute.