Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has expressed the fear that the Malaysian leadership transition issue, when raised often, can create a sense of uncertainty in the country.
He said he has repeatedly said that the transition will take place.
“If we are too obsessed with talking about the transition, many people will get a feeling of uncertainty - what happens when the change takes place?” he told Malaysian journalists today after concluding his two-day working visit to Fukuoka, Japan.
According to an understanding worked out by the ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition before it assumed power last year, Mahathir is to step down as the prime minister after two or three years for PKR president Anwar Ibrahim to succeed him.
Most recently, three NGOs urged Mahathir to hand over the post to Anwar by May 9, 2021, three years after the PH has been the federal government. The NGOs are the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0), Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) and Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia (GBM).
Mahathir said that when he stepped down previously, with the hope that his successor will continue the policies that have made the country successful, the individual who took over changed the policies.
“Now, when they (the people) hear that there is going to be a change, they will get worried. The fear is that all the policies will be changed,” he said.
Mahathir said he does not think that his successor will change all the policies.
“There may be some changes, approaches, but generally I think there is no other way to govern Malaysia than how we have done so for so long, which has brought us success,” he said.
Asked whether Anwar has stated the possibility of a policy change at their meetings, Mahathir said Anwar expressed support for him.
“I don’t think he (Anwar) will change (the policies). There should not be a sense of uncertainty,” he said.
Asked to comment on the statement by Najib Abdul Razak that he had misinterpreted the line ‘Cash is king’ often associated with the former prime minister, Mahathir laughed and said: “This Najib is fantastic; he’s saying the meaning is different. But why did he not say this before.”
Najib had reportedly said he did not use ‘cash is king’ by its literal meaning but that the people are king and that’s why the cash is used to help the people.
Mahathir said that if the people are king, then Najib should have taken care of the people and not by giving money.
“When he is trapped, when he finds he cannot say anything, he says that’s not what he meant. He says something else. (He says) Dr Mahathir is mean, he changed the meaning,” he said.
- Bernama

I can proof you wrong Mahathir.
US$50 billion will come in, the minute you step down.
Foreigners and investors are fed up of your policy of helping your family and cronies before the Rakyat. Your ego of screwing the Jews and letting Zakir Naik stay here in Malaysia are the main cause people are not bringing in the money or want to do business. Malaysians who have the mean has taken out of this country RM600 billion within a year you became Prime Minister again. Did you not know or are you so stupid? Now you are begging China, Japan, Brunei and Turkey for loan and selling useless Malaysian Bonds. You are even telling Malaysians to work as labourers in Turkey, while keeping all kinds of terrorists, Islamic Freaks and Foreign workers which no other countries welcome. You have no respect and love for your own people.
Thanks to your greed, Anwar has been taught a bitter lesson and now people are waiting for him to step forward to carry this nation forward.
You were wrong then and now even more so that even local businesses are closing down daily.
You were lucky for 22 years because Malaysia was a virgin then and the timing was right , today it is a different story.
Malaysia need a different vitamin to gain back its energy.
Today you have proven to the whole world, you are not capable to turnaround this nation neither to lead us forward because your luck has run out and Karma has taken over plus your children are still clinging onto your back.
Last year, you were given a second chance to save your children and Daim's children from bankruptcy.
But apparently it is not enough and you need more time to secure the safety of your children and grandchildren. That is why you are dragging your time to leave.
The minute you die, your children and the next seven generation will cease to be that lucky. Karma will teach them the most bitter lesson in life.
Your biggest sin is the many innocent lives taken to save your skin. Memali, Faud Stephen, May 13 1969 etc.
Mahathir, Malaysia will only move forward once your old and useless policy are taken to the grave. You are still dreaming of the good old days.
Mahathir it is time to let go of your greed and let your karma continue with your children and grand children.
Do not be angry against Malaysians who are wishing you dead, because we are suffering from your greed and ego.